Saturday, March 1, 2008

March in like a lion, out like a lamb? One can only dream

I must admit that I do like watching the snow flakes fall outside my window. The winter landscape is truly breathtaking, so serene and peaceful. With that said, March 1rst has shown up with all the signs of a never ending winter in Maine and I can only dream of the days of green and growth, flowers and spring. March is a tricky month in the north. The saying goes, that if March show up like a lion, it will leave like a lamb.....intriguing concept....will have to just wait and see. Unpredictable as it may, there is a need to embrace the change and use the time to go inward.

Feeling bummed that that there is no Nia today. I can always count on Nia to rebalance and energize me through these dark times. I am so blessed to be teaching this movement and would recommend everyone to find a studio offering this barefoot experience.

Working on my studio today. My husband has moved his shop to the garage, so I am commandeering the office for jewelry production. I am branching out to and will be selling my new pieces within the week. I have found some fabulous tumbled sea glass to work with and the colors are outstanding. I have been working on etching some new copper pieces and I am just waiting to combine them with the hand dyed silk ties I found over at Artascope Studios yesterday. Looks like the Jewelry trip to Tuscon was a big hit. Great resource for materials, art classes and amazing workshops. I may be a little bias since I am a steward and teacher over there, but so be it.

Looks like the snow is slowing down. Wonder if my snow dog is buried in the front lawn. Now that was a fun way to play in the snow!

1 comment:

Gesa said...

Hi Maggie,
thanks for your comment on my postcard dilemma. The abstract photo is very good. I like the shapes and shadows.
I agree with you: pears make wonderful subjects for still life. Haven't done any for a while but yours reminded me.