Friday, September 19, 2008

A day of photographing work

I have to admit that I have been avoiding photographing my work, but as the reality of my website draws near....I know it's time to get to work. I have been looking for some lighting solutions at home and finally found a system that works.

Last weekend I participated in the End of Summer Sale at Artascope Studios in South Portland. It was great. I shared a table with Sue Drown Trout which worked out fabulously. She was able to man our booth in the morning while I taught Nia and I came in for the afternoon. It was a very successful day. You can check out the blog I wrote about the event at

In any case, I designed a new display to show off my wares using lots of beach sand and a little imagination. After the show, I wasn't sure how I wanted to store the display. So it's in my studio and I decided to try it out as the background for my jewelry and val la! Pure magic! So glad I am able to be self sufficient and get my jewelry on the web and finally into my etsy store. Patience is definitely a virtue I am still reaching for. Thank goodness for resourcefulness!

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